Wednesday, January 21, 2009


here he is baby boy Jeffs arrived jan. 21st at 3:38am weighing in a 7lb 5oz I think and never heard anyone say how long he sure is cute good mix of arin and troy arin sure is tired she said if we call she'll kill us so let her call you okay it wasn't the easiest quickest deliverey but after 3 1/2hrs pushing he made his appearance on his due date arin did a good job so did troy he's a good cheer leader I'll admit we stood by the door so we could hear that baby cry Troys mom recorded the sound of nearly every contraction from outside the door that should be good footage you go grandma so she got troy counting nurses and doctor yelling push and arin... I'll let her tell you her part


wendy m said...

He is so handsome! I can't believe his eyes are so open in all the pics. Congratulations everyone!

Vanderlinden Clan said...

aren't we glad he's finally here! what a long, great night!

Ryan and Amy Harvey said...

It was a long night but I am glad he came on the 21st. Look at how dark his eyes are...I really think they may be brown...good job with the pictures Mom. I can't wait to hear how everyone is doing today.

Ganny said...

a beautiful baby.....Love ganny