So many places to start. first I think I need to say this ......everyday of your life you're getting ready for just don't know in that everyday life are we doing the right thing to get through tomorrow.. and then in a whirlwind of events in your life you look back and say what was that all about or did that really just happen? huh what I'm confused please just someone make me understand but at no prevail I have to sort it all out on my own.. so here I am at the new form of release blogging tales till my hearts content. some my not be for the weak of heart so if you have doubt of being brave at heart to hear all then stop now because things are going to be said here beyond belief but they are true and one of my life's stories I've fought I many of battles in this life and I think I've come out of each with a lesson learned and a stronger person in the end I just hate that refining fire to burn so hot. The past two weeks have been unexplainable..some small things leading up to this......people at work customers wanting be to be huggy when I helped them doesn't usually happen.....visit from cousin over joyed me and made me happy:) phone call from 1st boyfriend about his gift of the old letters and pics of 40 years ago long time full of warm good feelings it scared me I even said to someone I work with that I was afraid something bad was going to happen I felt so good I shouldn't say things like that should many events...visit it the er brought the weird nurse to my help one that was dressed right out of the 5o's white hat dress hose and shoes whole other story.....feelings of somethings not right calling Jeff on Saturday to tell him somethings not right with one of the renters I can feel it seeing people with the renter that did not feel good saying to Jeff I don't have a reason today but maybe tomorrow which when tomorrow came I did indeed have reason....not being able to sleep that night with overwhelming feelings somethings not right then we getting up having a message from amy that someone was in ER don't call till 8am the longest 2 hrs to find out about my son in law Pete had a massive heart attack. what is a person to do but to try to gain composure