Today is Amy's Birthday. We got together last night to party but I forgot the camera. So I've had to dig up some older photos the funny thing is that to seems Amy attracts ORBS the proof are in the pictures. Or maybe it's Pete he seems to be around them too. Pretty sure the ones from last years party where for her. Didn't even realized I got one at christmas until now it is closer to Pete so maybe it was his I find it interesting that I three pictures I took one after the other it is just in one over Jens head. Maybe I should taking more pictures of Pete he may have been swarming with orbs. Back to Amy My dear sweet little Amy. Always the happiest easiest child to raise. Such a joy to have as a daughter she filled my heart with happiness and it is overflows with so much love I am truely blessed to have Amy as my dauughter. She is truely a special spirit as you can see........Happy Birthday